Understanding Damwon Kia: Taking Esports To Unprecedented Heights


Damwon Kia, previously known as Damwon Gaming, has risen quickly to the pinnacle of the world of Esports, especially in the primarily competitive realm of League of Legends (LoL). The South Korean team’s extraordinary achievement in significantly contributing to the home country’s tradition of producing world-class players and outstanding teams is merely the tip of the iceberg when it comes to their escalating success.

A Brief Background of Damwon Kia

The foundation of success for Damwon Kia was laid in 2017 when an Esports company named "Damwon" was formed. Right from their humble beginnings in the Korean Challenger league to lifting the World Championship trophy in 2020, the team’s undying spirit and tenacity reflected their drive to triumph on the world stage.

In March 2021, Kia Motors, a leading automobile manufacturer, purchased Damwon, marking the beginning of a new era in the form of "Damwon Kia". The partnership has been instrumental in elevating the team’s status and resources, thereby allowing them to compete and succeed at the highest echelons of Esports.

The Rise to the Top – Damwon Kia’s Historic Journey

Perhaps the most striking feature of Damwon Kia’s journey is their meteoric rise. In just three years, the team managed to go from being mere Challenger rank players to world champions. The catalyst for this was the recruitment of some of the finest talents in the South Korean Esports scene.

In 2019, Damwon Kia began its first foray into LoL Champions Korea (LCK), dominated the league and secured their ticket to compete on the world stage in the League of Legends World Championship. Although they exited early, this gave the team invaluable international exposure, which they duly capitalized on the following year.

Dominance At the 2020 League of Legends World Championship

Navigating through the fierce competition, Damwon Kia accelerated their mastery of the game in the 2020 season, using the experience from their debut international outing. They secured the LCK 2020 Summer Split title and came into the World Championship as clear contenders.

Their electrifying performance at the LoL 2020 World Championship showcased their indisputable dominance in the Esports scene. They overcame all odds and lifted the trophy in an emphatic fashion, marking their entry into the league of global champions. This accomplishment cemented their status as the leading team in the LoL world.

Iconic Team Members – The Pillars of Damwon Kia

Another contributing factor to Damwon Kia’s extraordinary success is the presence of an incredibly skilled lineup of players, with stars like Heo "ShowMaker" Su and Kim "Canyon" Geon-Bu, two of the mainstays credited with driving the team’s success. Their exceptional coordination, technological understanding, and individual skills bring a unique, unshakable strength to Damwon Kia.

ShowMaker, the team’s Mid Laner, is known for his mechanical prowess and ability to take control of games. His aggressive playstyle combined with sharp decision-making ability has made him one of the top Mid Laners worldwide.

Canyon, the team’s jungler, is a perfect companion for ShowMaker. His ability to control the jungle and create opportunities for the team has marked him as one of the greatest junglers in the scene. Together, they have created a formidable partnership that few teams can come close to matching.

The Legacy Continues With Kia Motors

With the acquisition by Kia Motors, the support towards the team is expected to grow manyfold, allowing a larger platform for Damwon Kia to showcase their skills. The sponsorship deal has not only given Damwon Kia financial stability but access to world-class training facilities and resources. This has enabled them to attract more star players to their roster, laying the foundation for a continued legacy of success.


Damwon Kia’s rise to the top is a testament to talent, determination, and strategic planning. Together, these factors have crafted a team that displays exceptional skill, with a passion that outlasts momentary hurdles.

From stellar individual performances to an unbeatable team synergy, Damwon Kia has etched their name in the annals of Esports glory. Despite already reaching a level of success most can only dream of, the ambition to improve further is evident. As Damwon Kia continues to redefine the boundaries within Esports, they are not merely a team to watch but a phenomenon to marvel at.

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